What to Register for if you are Cloth Diapering

There are a lot of exhaustive baby registry lists to help make sure that you get everything that you may need for your baby, but one thing that I had trouble finding was a good list of things to register for if you plan on cloth diapering. Many hours of research later I was able to make my list, but I figured I would save you some time and let you know some of the things that will make cloth diapering a lot easier. Don't forget to add these items to your registry!

1. Cloth Diapers

This one is pretty obvious. In the same way that you would register for disposable diapers and wipes, put the diapers of your choosing on your registry. Cloth diapers can be expensive if you plan on buying the whole stash yourself, so put some on your registry in case family and friends want to pitch in. I won't get into all of the different kinds of diapers, but a really good size stash would be 20-30 diapers.


2. Cloth Wipes

When cloth diapering, it is a lot easier to use cloth wipes as well so that you can put the diapers and wipes all into one place to wash instead of having a laundry pail and a trash can. Cloth wipes can be very expensive, depending on which kind you get. I recommend getting the least expensive and lightweight ones you can find. I would recommend at least 2-3 dozen wipes. If you don't want to register for these or if no one gets them for you, cloth wipes are one of the easiest baby items to make on your own. If you can sew in a straight line, I would definitely encourage you to make some for yourself!


3. Baby Wipe Solution

If you are using cloth wipes, you are probably wondering how a dry wipe will clean a baby's bottom. That is where the baby wipe solution comes in! Once again, you can make your own or buy a concentrated mix that you add water to. If you don't feel comfortable making your own, find a mix that you like and add it to your registry. There are two ways to use the solution- either keep the wipes sitting in the solution (they stay moist) or put the solution in a spray bottle and spray the wipe before you use it. I prefer the second option since everything wet where I live grows mold.

4. Wet Bags

Wet bags are a place to put your dirty diapers until you wash them. They get washed along with the diapers and have a waterproof layer that keeps anything from seeping in or out. Wet bags come in a wide variety of sizes. I would suggest 2-4 smaller ones that hold 2 diapers each for when you are on the go or have someone else watching your baby, and 1-2 large ones that hold the dirty diapers after you change them. The large ones can be used as a liner in a diaper pail and the little ones go in the car, diaper bag, and wherever else you may need them on hand.

5. Cloth Diaper Detergent

Yes, you need a special detergent just for cloth diapers. The most important things to avoid in your detergent are perfumes, dyes, and any kind of soap, which can keep the diapers from being absorbent over time. You can make your own cloth diaper detergent, which is what I did, or you can register for one of the many highly recommended brands available.


6. Wool Dryer Balls

I would actually recommend this to anyone with a baby registry, not just for cloth diapering. Wool dryer balls are exactly that- wool balls that you put in your dryer. They reduce the amount of time needed to dry clothes and take the place of dryer sheets (which should not be used with cloth diapers because it blocks absorbency). I was skeptical when I read about this, but it works wonders! I can run a full load on the energy saver mode and they come out dry every time. With as much laundry as you will be doing with all of those dirty diapers, this small purchase is definitely worth it.

7. Disposable Diaper Liners

These are a life saver when it comes to #2 once you get past the beatnik poop. They look kind of like a dryer sheet that you put inside the diaper when you put it on your baby. If they go #2, the diaper liner catches the solids, so when you you change the diaper, you simply dump the flushable liner into the toilet with all of the solids. This makes the job of cleaning the diapers later a lot less messy.


8. Diaper Sprayer

Here is another great tool for dealing with #2 after your baby starts eating solid foods. A diaper sprayer is basically like the water sprayer you may have on your kitchen sink, except that it attaches to the toilet. If you have a #2 diaper, you simply hold it over the toilet and spray the solids off to be flushed. These can be pretty pricey, but it is worth getting a good one, so put it on your registry!

9. Spray Pal

If you use your diaper sprayer a lot, then you will love your spray pal splatter shield! The spray pal is a plastic cone with a clip on it. You clip the diaper inside the cone and then spray it off with the diaper sprayer. This helps prevent any splattering or messes when using the diaper sprayer. This is super handy to have around!

10. Cloth Diaper Safe Rash Cream

Supposedly with cloth diapers babies are less likely to get diaper rashes, but honestly, every baby's skin is different. If your baby does get a diaper rash, make sure the you are using a cream that will not ruin your expensive diaper stash. All natural is best, and do some research before you choose which one to put on your registry.


11. Diaper Storage/ Organization

There are an infinite number of ways to organize your cloth diapering system. Some people like to hang dry covers and machine dry inserts, some people organize clean diapers by size or color, some want their diapers out of sight, while others stuff them while changing the baby! Figure out what you want your system to be and how you want to organize and store them, and then register for any supplies you may need for that. Whether it is a drying rack or an over-the-door hanging organizer, find what will work for you and put it on your registry. Below is the organizer that I use. Not only is it inexpensive, but it the folded diapers fit perfectly in the pockets and it holds 24-28 diapers, which is perfect for a complete stash!

I hope this helps you as you put together your baby registry with some items that will make the world of cloth diapering just a little bit easier and more affordable!